Kumar Vansh Moondra

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello. Is it a piece of cloth or a leaf? Vomiting could be due to ingestion of foreign material rather but if he has ingested plastic or a big piece of cloth, he might require an x-ray for further confirmation as it won't be digested easily. If it's just a very small piece, it comes out in stool.
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CONTEST ALERT!!! ⭕ How to participate? ⭕ 1. Follow us on Instagram (@kuddle.pet) 2. Post your favourite picture of your pet on Kuddle Social. 3. There's no step 3! 🍪 How to earn brownie points? 🍪 -Share Kuddle's Thanksgiving contest post on your Instagram stories and tag your friends in comments. (Post link- https://www.instagram.com/p/ClX-YWJs-gi/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) - Tell us about your favourite memory with your pet on Kuddle Social. 🏆 Winners will be chosen based on likes on your picture on Kuddle Social. More the likes, higher the chances of winning? 🏆 Get set woof 🐶😻🐾 (Note: This contest is valid only for Bangalore residents)
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