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Achintya Bhardwaj
He has cherry eye
Achintya Bhardwaj
Get it looked as it can be fatal
I have seen multiple doctors and they have suggested to operate after a year not before ... And have confirmed that it isn't fatal
Monika Maurya
Hey, please get in touch with Freagles of India, so that your dog doesn’t end up with a breeder. Get in touch with them via Instagram.
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Hi doctor, my male shihtzu 1.5 years old. He has many food irregularities. i am giving him rice along with chicken gravy. somedays he will complete the whole quantity and some days he won't even touch. I am changing gravy flavours as i thought he might be bored with same flavour but it's the same situation repeating. is it normal and can you suggest anything for this?
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Vet visit with Oona and Noor
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Hi. My 2 year old female street cat pooped outside her litter box after a long time. The last time she did this, her anal sacs were impacted. If I attach a video, can a doctor tell me if it's the same issue again? Are her anal sacs impacted? . She is licking that area more frequently than usual also. I'm extremely concerned. She is also an indoor cat and never steps outside the house.
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