Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It looks like dandruff but did she play with any white dust particles after the bath
Swati Singh
She sat at terrace but I didn't observe her rolling in dust. Also, she does nibble her arms and legs sometimes.

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
The nibbling can be because of infection or they do that when they get bored

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
If it's not dust and if it is dandruff u can see it when u pass ur hand through her coat If it is dandruff it's because of dry skin so try to massage her with coconut oil a day before her bath that will help to reduce the dry skin
Swati Singh
Okay. Anything else that can be done to soothe her skin?

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
U can use oat meal content shampoos to bathe her and give some skin supplements like salmon oil twice daily after food
Swati Singh
Is it okay to bathe her with dilute neem water?

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
U can use the neem oil or neem leaves to dilute the water with which u bathe the pet
Swati Singh
Okay. Thanks!
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