A few days back I observed a small bald patch above one eye of my female lab and got her vet consulted. The vet overruled bacterial, fungal or any other infection. But I did observe another one today on one of her arm. This one is small too with no redness. She had itching issues but after the medicine prescribed by the vet it's better now. Any suggestions on what could be the underlying reason for bald patches would be relieving.
Wherever these patches are there try to remove the hair for 1 cm radius and apply povidone iodine solution twice daily and also use mycosan shampoo to bathe her
Keep the shampoo for 10 min and then wash
I feel it can be because of self scratching as ur vet already ruled it out for bacterial and fungal infection
What about demodicosis
Did he rule out that too??
First we have to diagnose is it because of demodicosis or not then only we can start treating it for that
To rule out demodicosis skin scrapping examination has to be done