I have a few questions regarding my Yuji, a 2 months old Shih Tzu.
1. At this age, is it normal to not drink water? I'm giving him soaked kibbles with little water in it.
2. He has dandruff and it keeps on increasing. What are some ways to deal with it? Should I use shampoos or natural remedies like neem/coconut oil?
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Good morning. Yes, it’s fine not to drink water at this age as pups don’t feel thirsty. You can definitely give him soaked kibbles and add extra water to it.
Do not use coconut oil. You can use Dermichlor spray instead of neem oil to control dandruff as oiling needs a thorough shampooing as well. Plus include omega fatty acids supplements.
Dharan Teja V
Thank you for replying.
How often can I use the spray in a week?