Dr. Shraddha Singh
You can use spot on What’s the body weight of the pet??

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
If there is one tick on the body it also indicates that there can be ticks or larval stages of eggs on the body of the pet and the ticks would have laid eggs on the bedding material of the pet or would have laid eggs in cracs and crevices of home

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
To control ticks there are many options like Powder Shampoos Sprays Spot on Tablets When the tick infestation is more and pet is above 6-8 months then better to go with tablet or spot on

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Also sanitise the bedding material of the pet
Vijeta mishra
Hi doctor. He is 10 months old and around 35 kg body weight.
Vijeta mishra
Should I go with a tablet or spot on?

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Better to go with tablet
Vijeta mishra
Which tablet, can you please suggest? Or shall I get a vet consultation?

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
There are 3 brands of tablets are available by name simparica, nexguard, bravecto U can choose any one based on cost effectively But bravecto has 6 months protection better to go with that
Vijeta mishra
Thank you doctor 😊
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