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Maskanti Rishik Goud

golden retriever


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Hi... My shihtzu is 4 months old and has been itching all over. His Skin looks nice and baby pink and cannot find any ticks or fleas on him since hes got so much hair. What could be the reason for itching under his belly and mainly on his neck. Cannot find any redness. Could it be dry skin in this weather. What can I do. I have bathed him once 15 days ago but hes been itching even before that .. though the itching has increased quite a bit. Can we use diluted ACV for such a small puppy to stop the itch.?? If so, what is the proportion and how often?

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Hi dr My pet is down with fever and drooling

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Nala got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️

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Nala got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️

my 7month old pup has become a fussy eater. he eats properly every alternate day and leaves a large portion of his food behind otherwise. Is this a normal tendency in dogs? how do I make him eat more regularly? His activity levels, poop and water intake are regular. no changes in that. I’m usually feeding him rice and vegetables in morning and kibbles by evening. Snacks and treats are very limited during the day.

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To make your Christmas merrier, we are sharing a few snaps of the cutest pets we met during our Christmas celebration at House of Hiranandani and Purva Westend. Check out our latest post on Instagram-

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To make your Christmas merrier, we are sharing a few snaps of the cutest pets we met during our Christmas celebration at House of Hiranandani and Purva Westend. 

Check out our latest post on Instagram-