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My 5 and half month old english cocker spaniel weighs 14 kg. When I check online it is the max weight a cocker spaniel can grow when he is an adult. Is this normal for a puppy for that age to be almost reaching equivalent weight of an adult ? I give him pedigree and ocassional boiled chicken and egg meals and boiled veggies. 95% he is on pedigree ( chicken and milk) Attached the image of his weight gain in last few months He is healthy and doing fine and I take him to walk 3 times( 20 minutes each time) Any food changes should I do ?

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Dr. Anukarna Singh

Hi, there can be a lot of variation in their ideal bodyweight based on their size. You can check his body condition score to understand if their is a concern with his weight, or get it checked by your veterinarian. If based on body condition the doctor/ you feel that he is heavy you can reduce the food intake by 10% and exercise more. Also when you are giving commercial food please follow the quantities specified on the pack. If you are adding some egg/ chicken with it replace by reducing the pedigree.



Kumar Vansh Moondra

Should avoid pedigree kibbles, it always lead to weight gain. Use N&D/Dibaq, these are premium ones and still in budget




Thank you Dr. Anukarna. Can I increase the time for each walk cycle ? How much walk is appropriate for his age ?