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my 6 month old shitzu, not used to eat much and on time as well. can anyone suggest any syrup to increase his apatite.
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Please let me know if there's anyone looking for adoption. I have a 8 months old fully vaccinated well looked after Indie male dog 🐕. It's free it's urgent. Hurry up!! 9102974261
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Hello. May I know please which shampoo is good for my Persian cats and kitten. Hair fall control, dandruff control and hair ball control.
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Asking for a friend: Any leads on a good agression behaviourist for a 3 year old dog who hasn't been socialised with humans (only reacts to humans trying to touch or pet her) (covid baby) and belongs to an aloof guard dog breed? Please suggest someone with years of experience because this is for a dog who isn't easy to handle and can be aloof and stubborn. Listening to commands or walking on leash etc is NOT the ask here. It's purely about socialisation with humans other than owners without snapping or mauling someone's hands off. (The dog otherwise is very disciplined, quiet and follows every word coming from her owners and behaves with humans and dogs. As long as humans don't approach to pet her.) Good leads will be appreciated.
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