Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi. You can give 2ml-0-0 of syrup after food.
Dishon c
Ma'am I been giving 2-0-2
Dishon c
I been giving Along with food

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Ok. A 2ml once a day would suffice too. You can definitely mix with food.
Dishon c
I been given 2-0-2 for 10 days , is anything problem abt that?

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Nothing to worry about. In case of severe shedding, even twice a day is recommended. If shedding in Luna isn’t much severe, you can give it once a day.
Dishon c
Ma'am my puppy not shedding much , but I wanted luna fur to be shinner

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Ok. Then give just once a day.
Dishon c
Thank you ma'am
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