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Swati Singh

Hi! Maggie has been behaving oddly from sometime. Her appetite has reduced but is active and playful like usual. Her vet suspects it could be due to hormonal changes as she had her heat in June. But mostly during nights we can observe that she is extremely hyper in energy, with panting and keeps barking till you play with her, demanding and if not paid attention to she starts whining as well. All this behaviour is only towards me and to no-one else in the family. She has never behaved like this before. What could this be? And how to resolve this?




Dr. Tajunnisa M

Hi Swati. Yes, it can be a hormonal issue. Pets show over affection only towards the people they consider to be attached to or as good playmates. Keep her busy throughout the day through exercise/walking so that she gets exhausted at night. Neutering, exercise and training could help in improving the behaviour.