Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hi. What medicines have been given ?

Dr. Anukarna Singh
Along with medications it's also very important for you to understand the source and avoid that. Ticks would usually come from other dogs/ greenery. If your pet is allowed to meet with dogs who have ticks no matter what we do the ticks will keep coming back. At 4 months I would suggest going with topical spot on rather than oral meds. Also check your house to see if there are any ticks there to avoid reinfestation, you can use ridd to clean the house if you see any.
Vinit Fichadia
Backintheday and happypuppyorganics has very good tick and flea products. Use scooby dubdub and quiky clean along with tick bomb. They have really good products and without chemicals. Have personally used it and have heard positive feedback too from parents. Bath every week for 1 month. This has my vet suggested. These platform too has experienced vets to suggest the right solution. Hope the baby recovers soon.
Trupthi Jain
1. Get home tick free cleansed through urban clap 2. Make sure dogs don’t lick the surrounding after tick free process as it leads to poisoning 3. Take the dog to Cessna hospital for tick free treatment 4. Use tick free comb ever week to keep a track
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