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Any recommendations for pet taxi services?? Its for a 9month old golden retriever .
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My kitten is discharging some pus/mucus like stuff from her vagina and I can't take her to vet because my exams are going on. What should I do? I feel so guilty and bad 😞😞
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My 7 month shih Tzu has vomited twice in morning in past 4 days. We are giving Rantac before food and Metrogyl after food twice a day 1 ml each. This morning we again saw white foamy vomit in his bed and gave the rantac. Afterwards he is not eating anything but drinking water. His stool is normal and so are his activities. We tried giving pumpkin, curd and his treat biscuits but he just puts in his mouth and then out. Should we be worried?
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Are pet friendly cakes or sweets really pet friendly?
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