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I have a 6 months Doberman puppy, he really excited and starts jumping around and starts biting. How do I prevent it from biting and jumping
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any Beauty parlour for pet near rajmundry Andhra pradesh
My dog left leg is bend he's not walking properly docter said do laser therapy but where can i get that laser ?
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Yesterday I made my dog to run and he was playing with the me with the ball for so many times. Later he rested and he was ok and was walking and running good. Jus now a few minutes before he's not able to get up cause he's having a leg pain he's not able to get up and he's facing some difficulties to get up. So what should I do for him for the remedial of pain?
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Are grapes poisonous to dogs?? If yes, what should I do if 5 grapes eaten by pet??
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