Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello. Yes. Post bite vaccination is required compulsorily if it's been more than 3 months. According to recent guidelines, the number of doses (including RIG) also depends on the category of bite. I advise you to visit a medical doctor soon.
Jaya Pandey

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Don't forget to mention doctor about the type of bite (provoked or unprovoked) and the history of your pet's vaccination.
Jaya Pandey
But I also got the info that if pet dog is vaccinated and have not been with street dogs, then we don't need to take the shots and if he is fine for next 10 days then there is no issue. Can you share your thoughts. And let me inform you that it was like a scratch no bleeding happened.

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Ok. Yes, a post bite vaccination may not be required f you are very sure that your pet is routinely vaccinated and he has not come in contact with any rabid dog at all. Plus it also depends whether the bite was provoked or unprovoked because rabid bites in most of the cases are unprovoked. The vaccination regimen is also decided based on the type of wound( as there are 3 categories).
Jaya Pandey
Thanks for the update
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