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Found a tic on my GSD today. I removed it, but I am scared that there may be more in his body. What to do?
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A non vaccinated street dog has bitten my rabies-vaccinated golden retriever (1 year old) will I have to give him some kind of medication.the bite was on his ear
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Hello, i found this dog near my house, idk whose is it. I am uploading the picture, if any recognises this dog then give me a call
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my dog’s having digestion problems and is not able to excrete the waste. can you guide what can i do in this situation.
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Hey, I need to deworm my leo (2 month old boxer) on 27th April. Last time i gave Kiwof Plus half tablet on 12th April. I wanted to ask if any better medicine to deworm or should i give him the same ?
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