Dr. Supriya
Hi yash, yes drowsiness commonly seen with asbrip syrup. But if the pet is completely anorectic (off feed), it is important to get the pet physically examined
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How can anyone have one memory with you? Because from the moment I saw your eyes and you jumped into my life has become more colourful memories. You gave me a feeling of DAD and you teach me responsibilities more than life could teach me.you showed me another face of me which i myself never new. You sometimes be my child, sometimes my entertainer, sometimes the paws which wipes my tears. Thank you my everyday alarm, my partner in crime, offcourse you initiate the most. It would be incomplete if i don't thank you for filling my whole house with your laughter (bowbow) and memories. Now your not just a cute little shih Tzu your an emotion called "TILLU"❤️ #atluntadi_mantho_ni #Arrival of a dog completes your dream, so complete their wishes
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