Dr. Soundarya T C
Sir wash your hand thoroughly with soap and runing water...Sanitize your hand properly..You can apply Povidone iodine ointment..Kindly get yourself vaccinated..
Anant Jain
Which vaccine do I need to get?

Dr. Soundarya T C
Post bite anti rabie vaccination sir..
Anant Jain
I asked my vet and he said it’s not needed as the puppy is very small and rabies infection has not yet started to develop in him. Is that right?

Dr. Soundarya T C
If the puppy”s mother was vaccinated before it was born..Puppy will be protected for 3 months...and if your puppy was not bitten by any other infected carrier... It is fine sir.
Deepthi Ranganath
Don’t put ur hand in his/her mouth take a tree and call them inside a room
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