My 5 month old puppy has started developing permanent canines before his milk teeth canines have fallen.
Will that cause dental problems to him in the future? What should we do?
Django, Male
Indie, 1 year old
Django, Male
Indie, 1 year old
Dr. Soundarya T C
Hi Mam..
Dr. Soundarya T C
Hi Mam..Retained decidious teeth can lead to abnormal positioning of permanent teeth. A decidious tooth for an adult dog can lead to oral diseases if it cannot fall out naturally. It can lead to overcrowding in teeth, it can also lead to food collection in the gap of the teeth, Gingivitis, Periodontitis.
Dr. Soundarya T C
Kindly make sure to brush your pet”s teeth regularly.You can wait for few more months..If it does not fall out naturally, you can get it extracted.