Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello Sushanth, if your Murphy is already 6 months old, you can use a spot on (to be selected based on body weight) along with anti tick powder and shampoo. Plus clean the bedding area and sprinkle it with anti tick powder and make sure he doesn't lick any of these medicines.
Thank you doctor, I tried spot on and powder nothing is working, any other option? Does Apple cider vinegar will be usefu

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Ok. Some articles do mention about apple cider vinegar and eucalyptus oil explaining their anti tick properties. But it should be used in the diluted form. If your pet isn't allergic, you can use it. The other option could be tablet like Simparica or Bravecto and they show pretty good results. I will also attach a link for a herbal product which can be used as an alternative to these medicines. https://backintheday.in/shop/scooby-dub-dub/

Dr. Tajunnisa M
Mainly you should also concentrate on cleaning the breeding spots of ticks which are wooden materials/furnitures. You can use anti-tick powder or spray for the same. As mentioned earlier, supervise your pet to avoid licking.
This is really helpful, thank you so much
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