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Hello doctors, My pet started coughing weirdly last night around 1 am. He had 2 such episodes of around 1-2 mins each. Although he has not cough like that again till now. Should it be something of concern? He was given kennel cough last on 12th Aug 2024
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Hello, My doberman pup,approx 50days was given worex suspension. Pup not eating food and generalised weakness noted after this. What could be the reason
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Hiii my dog is 2 yrs old and he was playing with hair clipper and broke it while chewing. Since clipper has metal inside it should I be worried about tetanus??
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Hello, last two days my 8 months old lab puppy has not been eating properly he seems to eat only at night… he is other wise active… eating treats and other item except his food. Today he vomiting in the morning which was like a foamy liquid…please advise
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