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Whiskey got his bath today from Kuddle team and is peacefully sleeping now. I am sure he is feeling very relaxed after the bath. Thank you Shivakumar and team for being so gentle with him.
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My 10months old Labrador is having kind of leakage like urine (not sure whether it is urine only..it is like water) while lying..he is not neutered..he is peeing apart from this normally..what might be the cause of this
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Marco and polo got groomed today and they are looking stunning now . Thanks pruthvi
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Phoebe is extremely fussy about eating kibbles. I've tried all sorts of concealed feeding - with rice, curd, liver topping, chicken gravy.. Nothing works. She is used to home made food - ragi, dal/curd rice with veggies, eggs (twice a day), oats. So looks like kibbles arent that appealing anymore. Shd I be worried, given we don't feed chicken? She seems to be healthy, active and fit in general. Can I ease out kibbles in that case?
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How to socialize your dog?
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