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Shwetha Sunith

My 4 Months old Shih Tzu has little dandruff... Also he has a dry hair. Should I change his shampoo?





Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi

If you are feeding him milk then I'd suggest you to stop. To reduce dandruff and for dry hair you can try mybeau coat supplement and use oatmeal-content shampoos.


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Bozo Wags Veterinary Hospitals and Pet Services are looking for a foster or an adopter, for a 6 months old pup(indie+pug). Have attached the pictures of her. For more details you may reach out to them on 8867256782.

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Hi my dog is a 2.5 yr old female lab, we adopted her in September last year, since then she was pooping greenish stool which was then resolved. I gave her gizzard with rice and vegetables in meal twice a day. But now again she is pooping very little and the stool is dark in color from outside and yellow from inside. Also she has developed this hairloss patch around her collar area. Is all this related and how to treat it? The regular deworming is recently done.

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Hi my dog is a 2.5 yr old female lab, we adopted her in September last year, since then she was pooping greenish stool which was then resolved. I gave her gizzard with rice and vegetables in meal twice a day. But now again she is pooping very little and the stool is dark in color from outside and yellow from inside. Also she has developed this hairloss patch around her collar area. Is all this related and how to treat it? The regular deworming is recently done.

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