Your pet sitting or sleeping in his pee for prolonged hours can cause infection on his skin as pee tends to burn..Kindly do not encourage this behaviour..Training can help your pet to stop this behaviour..Kindly give your pet adequate potty training...Through positive reinforcement training by rewarding confident correct postures you can stop this behaviour..
If this behaviour does not stop even after training, kindly schedule an appointment with vet to rule out urinary tract infection ( not v. common in y.pups).
Hi, it's very normal for young pups to do this it's like a young human toddler peeing in the bed or floor and sitting on it. You can encourage him to pee on a pad or in specific areas like bathroom/ utility after feeding him or as soon as he wakes up. Training at this age can be hard, it'll be easier when he is slightly older 4 months to 9 months is the ideal training period. And once you start taking him out most of these problems would not happen at all.
Puppies are most receptive to learning and forming habbits between 8 to 16 weeks of age, making this the ideal time to start your puppy training schedule.. At this age they are quickly able to grasp the commands. When a pup is young they tend to pick up on a lot of behaviours thay they will have as an adult, making this period the best opportunity for teaching them.