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I have 2 shihtzus one is 1.3 yrs and the other is 1 Yr old. The older shihtzu growls at my husband constantly.... he used stay abroad from the time she came home when she was 20 days old.... We have tried so many different ways to make her get adjusted to him. Early in the morning as soon as she wakes up first thing she does is go to him and kiss him and spend atleast 15-20 mins with him. But he should not move. He should be sleeping on the bed with his eyes closed and hands inside the blanket.... only then she goes near him else she will growl at him and run to him and try to bite him.... If she needs occasional help in climbing on to the sofa or the bed, then she is ok for him to lift her and put her up.... but immediately as soon as she is on the bed or sofa she will turn and try to bite his hand.... He came back on september 1st 2024... and this is happening since then....don't k ow what to do.... Any suggestion and help will be appreciated. Dr. Sangita, if you can help, u r the one we bring my pets to