2 years agoStoriesTo make your Christmas merrier, we are sharing a few snaps of the cutest pets we met during our Christmas celebration at House of Hiranandani and Purva Westend. Check out our latest post on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/p/CmoM8iQLcSZ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=6 likes•27 views
2 years agoQnAhello.. Her whole tail is full of thz ? what should I do and also now she is pregnant.. please may I know what is it if some1 knows abt thz thing ? it’s 3yrs since we bought her but nothing happed to her not even cold. No there is no ticks oh her body. First it was on ear then we applied terbopet-m cream on her ear now it is slowing healing but after 2 days we have seen same thing on her tail we thought of applying the cream on her tail but she is not letting to touch her tail .7 comments•23 views
2 years agoQnAHello, my 16 month old golden retriever seems to have developed a lump on the side just below his ribs. This is the first time I'm noticing it so it must have developed over the last couple days or so. It seems to be beneath the skin (nothing visible over the skin) and movable while examining. Could you please suggest what to do? It doesn't seem to pain or affect him at this point.7 comments•24 views
2 years agoStoriesBangalore adoption appeal * Cookie is a 4 month old golden Retriver & lab mix puppy ( not so sure ) He’s Also most potty and pee trained He’s vaccinated and dewormed . He’s energetic & friendly We are looking for a family with an active lifestyle to suit his needs . We prefer families with prior dog experience All adoption process will be followed Only if the form meets the criteria we will give a call back . House check id proof required Underage induviduals are N/A To adopt cookie WhatsApp @91106986502 likes•1 comments•52 views