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Achal BN

Hello Dr. My Simba (Shihtz) is 7 months old 8.9 kgs. Now I are giving curd rice for his food daily and rarely sometimes, vegetarian pedegree. Please advice do I need to give him any other supplements, since I am also conscious on his weight.




Dr. Tajunnisa M

He definitely needs proteins and fibres as well. You can refer the diet chart available in kuddle



Dr. Anukarna Singh

For a growing pup of this age fortification with calcium supplement is extremely important. You should give him syr ostopet/ provical pet 4 ml twice a day, till one year of age. This can be given with food. Curd rice is not a very healthy meal for a canine, try giving eggs instead or give pedigree more frequently and curd rice once in 2-3 days.



Achal BN

Thankyou Dr. Tajunnisa and Anukarna. Yes I started giving him food as per the diet recommendation and chart given by Kuddle. I'm giving him the veggie delight recipe from yesterday for 2 meals and pedigree for one meal.