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Hi doctor my labrador is 2 months old.. You had told I can feed it 4 times a day.... but I am feeding it 5 to 6 times a day as it is asking for more food(makes noise - barks).... so doctor can you please give a perfect time slots to feed it..... Also it's sleep cycle is very irregular it sleeps in the day time and stays awake at the night.... can I do anything about this?
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Hello doctor. My 5 month old kitten has cough and phlegm since today morning. She is trying to spit it out but unable to do it easily, she spat out a little clear gooey liquid. She does not have runny nose but looks very uncomfortable. How can I help her ??
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Why my one and half month old golden retriever puppy vomits like this?
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Tipsy is very loving, kids friendly. She loves to play around and also friendly with other dogs.
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