SShubhang Garodia1 month agoToffee, 6month old toy poodle, has this swelling inside his mouth. What to do? Its area is increasing slowly. He is eating properly as of now.1134
1 year agoStoriesChubby got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️3 likes•2 comments•199 views
2 years agoQnAI have received mixed opinions about neutering my female shih tzu puppy, people either say to neuter her after she gives birth and some say to avoid breeding. what are the advantages of her giving birth and then getting her neutered?3 likes•12 comments•35 views
1 year agoQnAHi! My 6 month female lab vomited this morning (around 4 A.M.) in which I could see a white worm. Later she pooped a part of which was normal but a part of it was not. Worms in the stools were not as clearly observed as in vomit. She has been dewormed on 12th of April with tablet canworm. She is active but she does not finish her meals at times from a week. Any suggestions would be helpful.4 comments•80 views
4 months agoQnAHow much quantity of sweet potato can be given toan 8 months old Shihtzu and can it be given everyday coz my puppy want to eat sweet potato in his first meal.3 comments•146 views