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Can anyone suggest a good place to get dialysis for my 11 year old dog?
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Liora is so adorable, smart and hard working. She loves her humans and she's always so happy to see them. She's bite trained and even though she's a little puppy she doesn't bite people. She's a quick learner. She's so hyper and playful around humans and tries to sit on your lap even though she's so big. She's the best dog I've ever had and i swear on that. We can't afford to feed her right now. I'm in so much emotional pain having to give her away. I would really appreciate if I could get updates, pics and vids of her. We love her so much.
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Hello doc This street dog was attacked by other dogs.. nd he has been retching since then.. I've cleaned the wound and fed him. could you please recommend what to do and antiseptic for the wound.. 😞 there's no rescue nearby..also no vet available.
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Happy birthday🎉🎉
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