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My cat shredded the toilet paper today morning. It was all over the dining room. He is meowing since then and roaming around in the house, should i be concerned ?
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There's some rashes under both the armpits of my dog. Can someone suggest what needs to be done and what could be the possible reasons?
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hi doctor, why my dog is always hungry? he's a 2.6 years shihtzu male.. whenever I get out of my kitchen he would check my hands if I'm carrying any food, whenever I have any fruit or snack, he would bark continously at me.. I usually feed him an egg with veggies in morning, a snack usually a sweet potato or a carrot around 3pm.. and for dinner I serve him 4 tablespoon kibble.. am I feeding him less ? his current weight is 8.5 kgs and tends to gain weight..
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My 1 year old shihtzu is scratching himself so much, after getting his hair trimmed, there are no flies , no cuts but i saw a video that claims that it's because of his bad gut, should I be concerned?
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My kitten is anemic and has excessive hairfall his treatment is on but I just saw these red spots on his skin and tail etc what exactly is this?
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