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arpita pandit

Hi All… Good morning! !!URGENT HELP!! I have a beagle (1.2years old) named W. He is smart and intelligent. However we are facing a MAJOR problem- he keeps BITING! He had bitten all my family members atleast 3 times each… My questions: > Do all beagle behave the same > How can we handle this situation Note : We have already done basic obedience training, starting when he was 3.5 months old. We never hurt him.

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Dr. Tajunnisa M

Hi Arpita. No, not all the beagles bite. There are multiple reasons for unnecessary biting and it could be due to male dominance/fear/pain/insufficient training. I suggest you to get him clinically examined and neutered if not done. Training him again would be an another option. Discourage him and give treats whenever he tries to bite. Show positive reinforcement. But taking a help from a dog behaviourist would be a great option.