My vet has suspected mycoplasma/babesia
for my cat 😭
is it curable.
He has been eating well after 3 days of doxy antibiotic
But sleeps a lot and isn’t active like before
But eating well just like before
Temperature is normal too.
Mycoplasmosis is a protozol disease
The chances of recovery cannot be guaranteed in the early stages
The chances of recovery depends on how the pets respond to treatment
The doxycycline antibiotic has to be given for minimum 21 days and have to give supplements like thromobofit or thrombit to increase the platelet count
They are giving the correct treatment, as they are giving it through INTRAVENOUS route after the pet starts eating on its own they may give oral antibiotics for another 5-10 days
Continue giving the thromobofit syrup atleast for 15 days
Yes mam I’ll do that
But my cats abdomen has bloated
Doc asked if I did deworming
I said no
And he’s breathing hard too
I guess that’s because of bloated abdomen
Doc said it might be because he ate also
It little reduces after my cat goes to washroom
Not totally
It’ll be still slightly bloated
But after eating
It becomes even more bloated
I don’t know
I am worried 😭