Dr. Supriya
Hi kumar, It is not advisable to feed the pet right after vomiting

Dr. Supriya
Is there any other medication along with apoquel?
Kumar Vansh Moondra
Apoquel (twice a day) Condrovet medium (once a day, but that we fed already) in afternooon

Dr. Supriya
As of now discontinue apoquel for 2 days. Give him pan 20- 1 tablet 15minutes before food. At first give him curd, wait for 30min, if he doesn't vomit then feed him curd rice for today.

Dr. Supriya
If he doesn't vomit then you can start the normal diet from morning. If vomition continues then consult a vet or book a home visit for further examination.
Kumar Vansh Moondra
Okay, thanks. Do I need to give Digyton plus along with food?

Dr. Supriya
As of now Dighton is not required.
Kumar Vansh Moondra
Sure, I fed him Vetlife GI canine wet food
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