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My pet is a shih tzu named grace(female)and she is a year old we recently got her shaved and we found a lump/bump what looks like this here in the pictures down below near her tail is this a sign of cancer or just a non cancerous tumor please help me I just want to know what this is before we take her to the vet
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I have a 8months shitzu he's losing weight, very picky with food, doesn't eat anything oly chicken and liver What do I do?
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Can I give curd rice to my 50days boxer in night ?
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Need help with ticks on my dog. She doesn't have fever. But also has some rashes on the belly Don't want to give any harmful chemicals like Bravecto. Haven't seen many good reviews. Please suggest an effective remedy
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My dog is licking his private area any problem? His age is 5month American bully One more dog lab his lick urine of other dogs what can be done
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