Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It's a new environment for the pet it takes time to get settle down and adjust to ur home entertainment, so no need to worry and give h the same food which was given by the old owner and also give some toys to play
Priyanka Patnaik
I gave him toys (ball and bone) he is not playing.

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
He will start playing as it's new environment it takes time

Dr. Karthik B C
Did he travel yesterday?
Priyanka Patnaik
Yes he travelled and came to Bangalore with us on Sunday

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Because of traveling also pets become silent
Priyanka Patnaik
He is eating and drinking properly but he has still not accepted us as his family which i feel very sad

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It will take time wait for another 10-15 days
Priyanka Patnaik
Ok… let’s hope for the best
Priyanka Patnaik
Thank you doctor for the time
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