MMalathi 2 years agoI have 1yr old golden boy,looking for daycare for him,can u suggest me the good one in HSR layout242
2 years agoQnAhello. is it better to convert puppies from kibble diet to home food? or continue kibble through out life? If I should convert to home cooked food, what all should I include in his diet?5 comments•53 views
1 year agoQnAMy 3years old kiddo (lab dog) vomiting from yesterday (3 times a day) we use to give curd rice and boiled egg but after vomiting we gave food once. Plz suggest wat to give him so that he be fine and normal active like before1 likes•1 comments•199 views
2 years agoStoriesFrudo is very clingy like he follows me everywhere in the house but he also likes getting trained as he gets treats during training time😅😂Moreover he understands everyone’s feelings like if u r sad he comes and sit beside to make sure you are feeling okay , he brings his toys to everyone and lastly he gives HUGS to everybody. It is his way of showing love the most 💕6 likes•17 views