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Pls come forward guys, he's the most playful and cute cat you'll come across.
Arbin kumar
I want it
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My pet feels very anxious the moment I leave her alone in the room. She pees near the gate almost always. I've tried giving her some slow treats while leaving the room but she brings that and sits near the gate, and sits and whines. Any suggestions?
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Hey my dog has cough and cold He had tick fever and undergone a treatment and is recovering But he has severe cold and cough with running nose maybe because of medication and things Kit test for dystemper is negative twice What should I do
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My pet 7 months retervier is not eating his dry food ....I am giving him pedigree pro in the morning and then evening chicken with rice ...now a days morning he is not eating dry food ....can you please suggest any alternate home foods instead of dry ....or can we give him chicken rice both morning and evening ...he is weighing around 26kgs now for 7 months ...all other activities like playing ..sleeping ..his motion all are fine except his intake of food in the morning ....
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My GS puppy is 70 days old and spends almost 20 hours sleeping from past 1 week and her eyes look lik it's kinda red. Is this normal or should I be taking any precautions?
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