NNeha Arnold10 months agohttps://youtube.com/shorts/3xN2oiH-R3E?si=VHFrJCWWFQuDqfz8 check out recipes for dogs here 🤝💓🐶153
1 year agoQnAMy kitten is discharging some pus/mucus like stuff from her vagina and I can't take her to vet because my exams are going on. What should I do? I feel so guilty and bad 😞😞2 comments•48 views
1 year agoQnAHiii my dog is 2 yrs old and he was playing with hair clipper and broke it while chewing. Since clipper has metal inside it should I be worried about tetanus??2 likes•2 comments•303 views
1 year agoQnAMax(8 mnth F) golden has relatively stopped or takes time in having breakfast which we usally give kibbles. Is this normal or do need to take her to the vet ?6 comments•90 views
1 year agoQnAMy dog( 1year old shihtzu ) is a very picky eater, i have tried everything that a dog might like for example rice, curd, vegetables,sweet potatoes. He starves himself until he gets chicken and for obvious reasons i cannot feed him chicken all day, what to do And some other dog parent suggested me to stop feeding him kibbles because it is packed food and home made food is healthier for dogs, is that true?2 comments•31 views