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Hello , my Golden got her first heat . We would like to spay her for long term health benefits. When is the best time to go for it ? And what is the after care and how long does it take to recover ?
4 comments•363 views
Hello doctor 2 of my 3month old kitten are usually drinking milk n not eating much solid food. We are deworming them once in a month . They are active what should I do to help them gain weight
4 comments•75 views
I want your advice regarding my cat. Today little pain relief oil split on her fur and the oil smell is very pungent. We got rid of the oil from her fur but the smell isn't reducing which is causing her to drool a bit. What can I do to help her?
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I feel my 2.5 yr old female labrador has cold. She snores loudly like humans do. Is that normal? How can I know if she has cold or not? If she has cold what can I give her?
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Cutest Whitchcraft with Whiskey🐶
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