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Achintya Bhardwaj
He has cherry eye
Achintya Bhardwaj
Get it looked as it can be fatal
I have seen multiple doctors and they have suggested to operate after a year not before ... And have confirmed that it isn't fatal
Monika Maurya
Hey, please get in touch with Freagles of India, so that your dog doesn’t end up with a breeder. Get in touch with them via Instagram.
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Hi Doctor, already checked with you on this issue,my 11months old Labrador is neutered some 4days ago..i can see wherever he lies, is being wet..and while walking, he is dripping urine..this issue i have noticed before neutering him also..any solution for this? NB: he is urinating normally apart from this issue..and not crying or no blood stains in urine..but it is being wet in bed, sofa wherever he is lying..also, the dripping urine is pale yellow color
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My 1½ years aged, weight 15-18 KG male Indian breed pet dog's hind legs have become too weak to walk and even can't balance it for last 2 days. As he is unable to put his full weight in the legs, he can't even have his food by his own. Hiccups are being repeated continuously. So, we are not able to understand what has happened to him suddenly! So requesting you to please tell what should we do and if possible please prescribe the medicines too. Please help me.
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Can you please check the pic of Jerry’s eyes as 1 eye corner is red. We are giving him regular eye drop. Ete drop pic below. What can be done in this ?
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Durin got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️
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I have some of my cat food, bed, litter box that are not in use anymore. I was thinking of giving it to shelters where these things can be used by others. Can someone pls guide me where I can donate these? I am staying in Bangalore near Bannerghatta Road.