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Meet cookie ! Cookie is a 4-5 month old female labrador . She is vaccinated and dewormed . She was rescued from a abusive family who kept her chained outside in the sun without food and water . Cookie, is a typical happy puppy . She loves to meet new people , extremely friendly with other dogs, and has very high energy . We’re looking for a family who can keep up with her energy and lifestyle and give her the love she deserves . WhatsApp @9110698650 for more
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How can anyone have one memory with you? Because from the moment I saw your eyes and you jumped into my life has become more colourful memories. You gave me a feeling of DAD and you teach me responsibilities more than life could teach me.you showed me another face of me which i myself never new. You sometimes be my child, sometimes my entertainer, sometimes the paws which wipes my tears. Thank you my everyday alarm, my partner in crime, offcourse you initiate the most. It would be incomplete if i don't thank you for filling my whole house with your laughter (bowbow) and memories. Now your not just a cute little shih Tzu your an emotion called "TILLU"❤️ #atluntadi_mantho_ni #Arrival of a dog completes your dream, so complete their wishes
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My cat got dewormed a week ago, she vomitted that day but got better soon. But this whole week I saw the white worm like creatures near her anus 3 times. (The worms are white in color and they contract and expand like elastic.)
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Simmu's House Started cat day care in the loving memory of our Simmu. It's very hard to find cattery so here we are. Cat day care at kogilu layout Bangalore 560064
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