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Ma'am how often I should bath my fog
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Hi, There's a dog in my area which keeps crying. My guess is he/she's hurt badly and I want to help him / her. How should I proceed with this app? How to book a vet or avail the required services?... Thanks!
Dog kisses >>>>> EVERYTHING BUT It’s extremely important to take care of your hygiene and your pet’s hygiene to protect yourself and your family from all the dirty germs and bacterias that are ready to attack! 1. Visit veterinarians for a regular health checkup at least once every 6 months. 2. Deworm your pet once in 4 months. 3. Deworm yourself once every 6 months. If you any questions, put them down in the comments 👇
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Hello mam My cocker spaniel puppy 1st vaccination done , got bitten by street dog and I have immediately taken to vet and got vaccinated, should I need to worry? Coz in my home we have small childrens?
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Good evening doctor, Yesterday after giving a bath to my cat I noticed this pimple type thing on her ear it’s red nd if I press it little pus is coming out. May I know please is it normal pimple or something else? She is 8months old. Thank you.
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