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Cat ear has wound since one year ..pus is coming
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Helo folks, my stupeed dad is using his stupid brush to groom me. Even after groomed his hand pinching takes my hair out. (That schmuck with white coat said to hurt me torture me twice a day with stupiiid brush). Can you folks pls suggest stuupid man a gooooood bruuush? Love you all. Leo the golden retriever 4 months old for all the girls growing!
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Hi.... so my cat is quite lethargic...he's eating properly but not moving from the bed... any reason why???
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My cat's been making this sound since she woke up this morning. She used to make this sound when she first came to live with us but then she stopped doing it for months and now she started making this sound again. I tried to give her food, play with her, pat her and basically whatever all I could think of but apparently I'm unable to understand her. Maybe a TMI but it's raining here, so has it got something to do with it? Also, she doesn't look to be hurt physically apparent to eyes.
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Hey is this dryness on nose common or is it something to worry about ?
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