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my puppy seems to have been biting and eating wood… this is a very strong teak wood chair. I can keep him away from plastic and harmful things on the street… but how do I keep him away from wood! he has been scraping doorframes as well… I hope it is not dangerous that he has ingested this
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Hello, we are looking for foster parent for our cutest golden retriever, Scotch. Unfortunately for work, we have to go to Bombay this weekend. Since, there is no one else to take care of him, please let us know if you or someone you know if willing to take care of him and shower him a lot of love for two days. Please reply for more details.
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My pet feels very anxious the moment I leave her alone in the room. She pees near the gate almost always. I've tried giving her some slow treats while leaving the room but she brings that and sits near the gate, and sits and whines. Any suggestions?
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How can i procure a fitness certificate for my dog needed to travel on train?
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Hello doctor how to kill ticks and fleas to my pet ...pls suggest the best medicine my puppy body weight is 30 kg
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