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DOG PEOPLE AND CAT PEOPLE, kindly turn your heads: (Bangalore adoption, dewormed and vaccinated) Littul male kitten is looking for a home with people as precious as he is. Doi is up for adoption after his mother went out to hunt and never came back(succumbed to an accident courtesy some idiot driving with his eyes closed) He brightens up any space he is in, and is an ideal addition to any home with dogs or cats. Contact us on 9739200837 to bring him home. Doi will only be adopted into a home where he enabled to be a strictly indoor cat. Which would mean the house would need to be cat proofed(pigeon netting or sealed windows are a way to go), because we don’t want him jumping out never to be found again and getting hurt. Adoption protocol will be followed.
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Hello doctor my puppy ate raw potato without my knowledge ...pls reply
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Hello doctor.. my pup is 2 months old.. how much royal canin is advised for him??
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