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Hi doctor, My dog Jerry is a scared puppy (4months old). It’s been 1 month we have bought him but till now he is resisting himself and not playful with others. He doesn’t go to anyone and shiver a lot. At home he is playful but sometimes still resists. In short it completely depends on his mood to come to us. We all are giving him lots of love and affection but still the playful side of his is not yet come out. What else should we do on this scenario ?
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hello. is it better to convert puppies from kibble diet to home food? or continue kibble through out life? If I should convert to home cooked food, what all should I include in his diet?
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Chotu here….!!
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My beagle male (11 months ) shades a lot ,we are giving all the additional nutrient’s (mybeau) for skin and coat even balanced fresh food /kibble .still it’s a heavy shading which seems abnormal to me . Can any one please suggest what to do?
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