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My Leo, i was very afraid of dogs back then. One day my brother brought Leo home and gave it to me. It was so tiny that i should hold it like a fragile thing. That was the moment changed my whole life. Today Leo was the reason I am feeding many street dogs. He was my inspiration to life. I love you Leo beta❤️
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My dog eating the same food from my hands but not from his bowl , he will stay hungry but he will not eat from his bowl is there any way to fix this ?
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My pet have suddenly started peeing at home .. what could be the reason?
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Need help!!! My 2.5 month old puppy was eating something which he shouldn’t have, so I was trying to take that out from his mouth but while doing this his tooth got inside my finger and it started bleeding. What should be the first aid I need to do and do I need get to get injections? He is not yet vaccinated for rabies.
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We just moved from the USA. There our dog took a heart worm, flea and tick prevention pill monthly. Do you know of it is available in India? Picture of the box is attached.
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