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Can anyone please tell me how much does it cost to take PCR test because 3 month's back i tested for rs 7k and since today my pet is not well as I took her to the vet they said it's tick feaver and need to take another PCR which cost 5k are they looting or does it cost this much and the same report which I took 3 month's back is enough to know about the condition??
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Hi, I want to put my Zacku for adoption as I am moving out to another city and cannot manage him all by myself. Zacku is, very friendly, naughty, active, loves playing running race, likes to eat chicken. I am looking for a loving parent for my Zacku at the earliest before 27th November 2023 as I have a flight to catch on the same day. Thanks.
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Is it recommended to wipe the back of dog after every poop and pee with a wet wipe?
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