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This promise day, we promise to provide veterinary care to all the Distemper fighters and survivors rescued by Bangalore Distemper Rehabilitation Center and do everything in our capabilities to make this world a better place for all community animals ❤️ What’s your promise this year for the safety of community animals? Let us know in the comments and inspire others ✨
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Hi, I am one of the pet parent we had adopted a Street pet when he was a month or to Old. Actually we had a problem with him a month ago. During the mating season. He was very aggressive and somehow we found suitable mate for him. Since since it is impossible for us to manage the situation every cycle, we resorted to do a surgery thinking that his aggression bit come down but it’s been a month and now again he is exhibiting such behaviour. Could you please help us how to manage the situation. Please note he has bitten some people very often. What can we do about this?
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Hi my shitzu 6 months old is having constipation. I saw her uncomfortable and limping later realised stool was stuck and she was unable to relieve it . May I know what medication should be fed
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