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hello doc, what could be the reason for my dog poop to have light yellow with grey coating, sometimes bright yellow or light black.. although he eats homemade food, lentils and behave healthy, is it concerning?
3 comments•161 views
Hi… One of my friend looking to adopt a black cat… Any idea on the same?
3 comments•165 views
Why puppy still bleeding she is getting fluid once a day then tooo?in parvo(not having something to eat or drink even vet said no for but how her appetite will grow i didn't get that)
8 comments•96 views
Joy got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️
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My 2 years old shihtzu dog has suddenly started pooping like this since yesterday. There is no sudden change in his diet and was well till day before yesterday. What could be the reason ? What measures should i take? Please help.
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